12 Habits to Drop After 60 For A Happier Life


Turning 60 is a significant milestone in one’s life, often accompanied by changes in lifestyle, priorities, and perspectives. It’s a time that can bring newfound freedom, wisdom, and the opportunity to focus more on personal happiness and well-being.

However, to fully embrace this stage of life, there are certain habits that are beneficial to let go of. Here are twelve habits to consider dropping after the age of 60 for a happier and more fulfilling life.

1. Neglecting Health Check-Ups

As you age, regular health check-ups become more important. Often, people tend to neglect routine medical appointments, which can be crucial for preventing or managing age-related health issues. Prioritizing your health by keeping up with doctor visits is essential.

2. Overlooking Exercise

Staying active is vital at any age, but especially after 60. Regular exercise improves strength, flexibility, and mental health. It’s important to drop any habits of inactivity and incorporate some form of physical activity, like walking, yoga, or swimming, into your daily routine.

3. Ignoring Mental Health

Mental health is just as important as physical health. Let go of the stigma or any reluctance to seek help for mental health issues. Whether it’s consulting a therapist or practicing mindfulness and meditation, taking care of your mental well-being is crucial for a happier life.

4. Resisting Technology

In a rapidly evolving digital world, resisting technology can lead to social isolation and a feeling of being left behind. Embracing basic technology, such as smartphones and social media, can help you stay connected with loved ones and keep up with current events.

5. Sticking to Rigid Routines

While routines provide structure, being overly rigid can limit new experiences and opportunities for growth. It’s beneficial to stay open to new activities, hobbies, and social events that can enrich your life.

6. Hoarding

Holding onto items that you no longer need can create clutter and stress. Embrace the concept of decluttering and let go of items that no longer serve a purpose in your life. This can lead to a more organized and peaceful living space.

7. Being Financially Careless

Post-retirement, it’s crucial to have a solid financial plan. Avoid the habit of careless spending or ignoring a budget. Being mindful of your finances ensures a more secure and stress-free life.

8. Neglecting Social Connections

Isolation can be a significant issue in later life. Maintaining social connections and building new ones are key to emotional well-being. Drop the habit of isolation and engage in community activities, clubs, or volunteer work.

9. Holding Grudges

Holding onto past grievances can negatively impact your mental health. Practice forgiveness and let go of old grudges. This doesn’t mean forgetting the past but rather choosing to not let it negatively affect your present.

10. Eating Unhealthy Foods

Diet plays a huge role in how you feel. Let go of unhealthy eating habits and aim for a balanced diet rich in nutrients, which can boost energy levels and overall health.

11. Overcommitting

Learn to say no to things that overextend your energy or time. Focus on activities and commitments that bring joy and fulfillment.

12. Avoiding Change

Being resistant to change can hinder personal growth. Embrace change as an opportunity to learn and experience new things. Whether it’s relocating, traveling, or simply changing daily habits, being open to change can lead to a more dynamic and fulfilling life.


Life after 60 offers a unique opportunity to reassess and reshape your lifestyle for the better. By letting go of certain habits, you can open the door to a healthier, more connected, and fulfilling life.

It’s about focusing on what truly matters and making choices that enhance your well-being and happiness. Remember, age is just a number, and it’s never too late to make positive changes.

TheMama Miracle

We are a team of passionate and empathetic moms who have experienced the joys and trials of motherhood firsthand.