Why Does My Baby Cry When I Put Him Down?


A baby’s cry is a form of communication that conveys a variety of emotions and requirements. When a baby cries as soon as it is put down, particularly after being held in the parent’s arms, it is a common occurrence that can perplex and worry parents. So the only question that comes to mind is, why does my baby cry when I put him down?

Understanding why a baby may cry when placed down can cast light on the various factors at play, enabling caregivers to respond with compassion and effective calming techniques.

In this article, we’ll look at the possible causes of this behavior and discuss techniques for easing a baby’s transition from being held to being set down.

Is It Normal For Baby To Cry When Put Down?

Yes, it is common for babies to cry when they are placed down. Crying is one of the most common ways infants express their wants for comfort, attention, or intimacy. Babies instinctively want to be near their carers for warmth, food, and security. 

They may experience separation anxiety or discomfort as a result of changes in their environment if they are put down. Responding to their anguish with soothing tactics like swaddling, gently rocking, or using a pacifier can help.

Why Does My Baby Cry When I Put Him Down?

Babies weeping when put down is a regular occurrence that a variety of factors can cause. Understanding these causes will assist you in meeting your baby’s demands and providing comfort. Here are a few possibilities:

1. Need for Comfort

Infants have a natural instinct to seek comfort, particularly in the early phases of their lives. When you place your infant down, he or she may miss the sensation of being held close to your body’s warmth and heartbeat.

2. Separation Anxiety

Separation anxiety is common in infants around 6 to 8 months of age. They become more cognizant of their circumstances and form strong bonds with their caregivers. Being put down can induce separation anxiety in a dog.

3. Sleep Associations

Babies can learn to associate certain conditions with slumber. If your infant is used to falling asleep in your arms, he or she may cry when placed in the crib because they associate your touch with slumber.

4. Hunger or Discomfort

Infants use crying to communicate their requirements. They may cry when placed down if they are hungry, have a wet or soiled diaper, or are experiencing distress from gas, colic, or other physical issues.

5. Overstimulation

The sensory systems of infants are still developing. Being held and interacted with can be stimulating, and as a result, the individual may become overwrought. They may cry when you set them down due to the change in sensory input.

6. Developmental Changes

Such developmental milestones as teething, growth surges, and skill acquisition can cause discomfort and fussiness. Your infant may have difficulty settling when placed down.

7. Routine Disruption

Babies thrive on a schedule. When their routine is disrupted, changes in feeding, napping, or playtime can make them uncomfortable and cause them to wail.

8. Need for Interaction

Infants yearn for interaction and attention. They may cry when separated from you because they appreciate your company and feel safer when you are nearby.

9, Reflux or Digestive Issues

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or other digestive discomforts can cause pain when resting flat. Your infant may whimper if they are placed on their back due to discomfort.

10. Sleep Patterns

The sleep cycles of infants differ from those of adults. During the transition between sleep cycles, infants may momentarily awaken and cry when placed down.

11. Temperature or Clothing Issues

Babies are sensitive to variations in temperature. They may cry if they’re too hot or too chilly. Ensure that they are clothed appropriately for the environment.

12. Illness or Teething

Illness, teething, or other health issues can cause fussiness and weeping, especially when the child is lying down.

13. Need for Motion

Babies frequently find solace in motion. They may cry when the motion ceases if they are accustomed to being carried, rocked, or swayed.


  • Use a swaddle or baby carrier to provide comfort and simulate the sensation of being held.
  • To help your infant adapt to sleeping independently, practice gradual crib transitions by putting him or her down drowsy but awake.
  • Establish a calming bedtime routine, such as bathing, reading, or listening to soft music, to signify sleep time and reduce anxiety.
  • Respond quickly to your infant’s signals in order to foster trust and a secure attachment.
  • Experiment with calming techniques, such as gentle rocking, white noise machines, and pacifiers, to determine which is most effective with your infant.

Bottom Line

This was all about why does my baby cry when I put him down. A normal phenomenon, a baby’s cries when placed down, can be attributed to a combination of factors, including a need for comfort, attachment, and sensory stimulation.

By recognizing your baby’s indications and providing gradual transitions, employing soothing techniques, and implementing safe sleep practices, you can help alleviate their discomfort and decrease crying episodes. 

Thank you for reading!

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TheMama Miracle

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